
Remuneration committee
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Remuneration committee

Remuneration Committee Meeting Status
The Company’s Remuneration Committee consists of 3 members for the time being, who are all independent directors.
The term of office of the current members: August 20, 2021 to August 19, 2024.
The 2023 Salary and Compensation Committee will meet three times. The attendance of the members are as follows::
Title Name Attendance in
Person (B)
By Proxy Attendance Rate(%)(B/A) Note
Convener Wu, Kuang-Yi 3 0 100.00
Committee member Liao, Ming-Cheng 3 0 100.00
Committee member Li, Yu-Cheng 3 0 100.00
Other special disclosure:
(1) If the Board of Directors does not accept or modifies suggestions provided by the Remuneration Committee, the date of the Board of Directors’ meeting, the session number, contents of the proposal, decisions made by the Board of Directors and management of opinions from the Remuneration Committee by the Company should be stated (If the compensation and rewards approved by the Board of Directors are superior to those advised by the Remuneration Committee, there should be descriptions of the differences and reasons considered).
(2) For decisions made by the Remuneration Committee, as long as there are members objecting or having their reservations that are recorded or stated in writing, the date of the Remuneration Committee meeting, the session number, contents of the proposal, and how opinions from all members and from opposing members are handled should be described.

Important resolutions and status thereof
Date Tern Contents of motion Independent
director’s opinion
the Company’s handling of
independent director’s opinion
2023.01.13 5-4 1. Managers' 2021 employee bonus distribution and 2022 year-end bonus. The motion was passed without objection. Approved without objection by all present directors and independent directors.
2. The annual salary and remuneration of company's directors in 2023
2023.03.09 5-5 1. Remuneration of directors and employees of the company for 2022. The motion was passed without objection. Approved without objection by all present directors and independent directors.
2. The annual salary and remuneration of company's directors in 2023
2023.06.26 5-6 1. The Company directors' remuneration distribution proposal for 2022. The motion was passed without objection Approved without objection by all present directors and independent directors.